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  • Laddar

Cabinet Hexafluorine Black with purple bottles

Cabinet Hexafluorine Black with purple bottles

Product information

Hexafluorine MC Sterilised Rinse Fluid.

The chemical industry is constantly advancing and every day new uses are found for fully developed products such as Hydrofluoric acid. This chemical gives significant burns with grave consequences. This is why Hexafluorine was created - to combat both acids and fluorides.

Europe has been using Hexafluorine for more than ten years and companies that have introduced it into the workplace say that the level of absenteeism through sickness follwing an accident has drastically reduced.

Only for disposable use. Shelf life 2 years.
The cabinet contains 2 bottles of 500 ml/each for treatment of two eyes within 60 seconds.

A plastic lid protects the canisters from dirt and dust.

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